Important Dates:
STREET PROOF YOUR KIDS Street proof your kids, make them aware and alert. Let them know that there are bad people to be wary of and do this while trying not to scare the be-geebers out of them. Oh, and by the way, keep them open to possibilities in their world, encourage independence and exploration. How do we accomplish both goals and help our children develop into the best individuals they can be and keep them safe? I have personally observed both ends of the spectrum. Parents who just let their kids run about all willy-nilly with out a second thought to their safety. I have also witnessed parents so smothering that their children are afraid of their own shadows. I actually came across a woman at the mall who told her child not run off or the “bad people” would come and steal him away. Telling them safety tips isn’t enough. Role play is the key. You might feel foolish at first, but get past it. If you just tell them how to stay safe they will not know how to react in real life situations. The key, I feel, is age appropriate awareness. When children are very young, I find a good approach is the eye contact rule and the call back approach. Children need to be taught at an early age that exploration of their environment is safe as long as they can always see mommy or daddy and mommy or daddy can see them. Also teach them to answer you every time you call them. We took our two year old to a closed car lot on a Sunday to role play. He tried to keep within sight of us and when he wandered off we would call him and he would shout back. For him it was a great game but for all of us it was a valuable tool. When the children get older have age specific dialogue about appropriate and inappropriate behaviour of people. Then role play. Pretend you are a stranger. Teach them what to say and what to do. Role play using your car. It will teach them how to stay safe if a real life situation ever arises. They wont be “a deer in the head lights” trying to remember what you told them. Finally, make your children aware of where the Block Parents are in your neighbourhoods. Let them know that these are safe houses. Take them to the block parent’s door and meet them. Get to know your neighbours and let them know you. If we do these things with our children we will create safe healthy children and better communities. Susan Galvao
Susan Galvao
City Councillor, Ward 8, Cambridge
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