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Speech given at BPW Good evening, I am here right now to introduce myself and let you know why I chose politics. My reason for entering politics: My decision came largely from my observations of current council. There have been many occasions where it appears current council does not have the people wishes at heart. I truly feel that we need to have better representation. As women we often bring different perspectives and problem solving skills. To me, it is so unusual that women are under represented in politics. Politics is the perfect place for women’s involvements. We are the ultimate multi-taskers, problem solvers, caregivers. We as women will look for a solution that can benefit everyone over the long haul and not just charge through with blinders on. In my opinion some members on current council have forgotten why they are there. To represent the people accurately. Why politics, Why not? I have been given a few minutes to speak to you about issues for women and how, when elected, I would improve the status of working women. Simply put, I feel that the status of women can be greatly improved by more representation in politics. There are too few of our voices out there. My platform represents a real SIMBY attitude. A real start in my backyard representation. I want to see improvements in Transportation, Water management, Parks and natural areas, Community improvements, Better land use Practices and most important Conscientious use of our tax dollars. This is a basic summary of my platform but I also wanted to talk to you about an issue that I think is particularly pressing for women. I read a book recently called women don’t ask and I encourage every women to read this book if you haven’t already. I found myself saying that is every woman I know. The book talked about inequalities in our work place. Sometimes it seems that there are so many obstacles that women need to overcome in our business and professional lives. I’ve seen them I operated my own video game store for years. That is a real male dominated genre. So I have experienced all kinds of prejudice and bias that had to be overcome. The biggest obstacle that I ever faced was overcoming myself. We as women are brilliant at advocating for others. We will stand up for our children, our spouses, our co-workers, anytime that we think someone needs help. But we are reluctant to stand up for ourselves. We have this idea that if we work hard then someone will notice and reward us. It is out of our hands. We shouldn’t have to tell people what we deserve. They should just know by how hard we work. And work hard we do. When we don’t get it we start to internalize why we didn’t get it. Maybe I took too many emergency days; maybe I didn’t do as good a job as I think. Maybe IT is because it is up to us to ask. Men have no problem asking for what they want. It is up to us to say Look how Valuable I AM. We have to stop asking ourselves what can I do for the company and start asking What can the company do to earn me. Thank you
Susan Galvao
City Councillor, Ward 8, Cambridge
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