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Quality vs. Quantity In our society, “more” is often equated with “better”. The question arises, does one equal the other? I decided to think about the issue and try to answer the question. I wanted to start with some clear definitions. I therefore pulled out my trusted Webster’s dictionary for clarification. I came up with: Quality - 1.essential character of excellence 3.a distinguishable attribute, Quantity – 1.a determinate or estimated amount 2.a considerable amount. Looking at these definitions one could argue that “no, quality does not equal quantity”. Or does it just depend on what we are looking at? Example: 1) The more money earned (quantity) the greater the potential for a higher standard of living (quality). 2) The more people in a city (quantity) the higher the resource pool (quality). There are also good arguments against these examples. It seems that more often than not one is potentially if not indisputably sacrificed in one way or another. Take our veterans for example. Here are people who were willing and did sacrifice the quantity of life for their pursuit of quality of life. They felt the distinct difference between the two. A cat once demonstrated to me the need for quality rather than just quantity. She was a gorgeous calico cat I found in the local shelter. I fell in love and after having her spayed Cally came home with me to live in a spacious apartment. My vet explained that the life expectancy of cats that are allowed outdoors is dramatically lower. I was content with that. The problem was Cally wasn’t. She would stare out the apartment windows. She was chaotic and nervous. Everyday she would climb to the highest spot she could find and refuse to come down for hours. Later that year I moved to the country. After I had everything in, I looked for Cally. I realized that she must have run out while we moved things in. Cally had never been outside. I searched everywhere. She was gone. The only thing I could do was leave the door open and hope she would come back. A couple of hours later Cally showed up. She purred around my legs, and then snuggled into my neck. She looked at me as if to say “I need to be outside!!” Cally was a changed cat! She was calm and relaxed, everyday she would go outside. Although Cally’s life probably wasn’t as long as it would have been if she had remained an indoor cat she was truly happy. There is a lesson to be learned here. Maybe we are coming to a crossroads because of all our opportunities right now and need to redefine the line between quality and quantity. We need to measure the costs not just in dollars and cents but in bringing a sense of true peace and happiness within ourselves. Maybe quality in life is the something that should be sought after and treasured not just the quantity. Susan Galvao
Susan Galvao
City Councillor, Ward 8, Cambridge
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